【判例】マレーシア裁判所、勤続32年従業員の有期雇用終了は不当解雇 / Malaysian court rules that termination of fixed-term employment of employee with 32 years of service is unfair dismissal

【判例】会社敗訴 試用期間中の解雇で賠償金16万リンギ / 【Case】Company loses court case, RM160K in compensation for dismissal during probationary period

【立花会・特別新年会】日系企業経営の裏側を語る<KL 1/15>

▶ K1006-中国で内定取り消しは可能か?

外国人労働者に頼るな、マレーシア政府が企業に呼び掛ける / Don’t rely on foreign workers, Malaysian government urges companies

▶ K1005-嘘をついても処罰されない?経歴詐称の対処法

従業員の労働組合への加入を促す / Workers urged to join trade unions

有給日数を含む雇用法の再度見直しへ / HR Ministry to review labour laws on annual leave entitlement


誤解だ!3回の警告書発行で従業員を解雇できる / Misunderstanding! Can dismiss an employee after issuing three warning letters

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