



 1. マンパワー管理からタレント管理への発想転換と戦略転換が求められる。
 2. 他社に対する魅力的な雇用条件や待遇、リテンション(定着)の提供が求められる。
 3. フリーランスやリモートワークの増加により、柔軟な雇用形態が求められる。
 4. 人材の企業文化への適合における不確実性により、適合性を問わない雇用方針・施策が求められる。
 5. 優秀な技術者の定着を促すためのキャリアパス(非管理職)や成長機会の提供が求められる。
 6. 企業内におけるトレーニングプログラムの不足の解消、OJT(On the Job Training)ならぬOJL(On the Job Learning)システムの形成が求められる。

 Industry 4.0 era. With regard to issues related to the shortage and difficulties in recruiting technical personnel, there are external issues that cannot be controlled at company level and internal issues that can be controlled. We would like to focus on the latter.

 Workers’ skills are not keeping pace with rapidly evolving technologies. There is a lack of education and training for the new skill sets required, a shortage of highly specialised personnel and experts in specific skills in areas such as AI, IoT, big data and robotics, which is intensifying competition between companies for talented technical personnel.

Internal challenges for companies.

 1. A change of mindset and strategic shift from manpower management to talent management is required.
 2. Need to offer more attractive employment conditions, benefits and retention than other companies.
 3. The increase in freelance and remote working requires flexible employment arrangements.
 4. Uncertainty in the fit of human resources to the corporate culture requires employment policies and measures that do not question conformity.
 5. Career paths (non-managerial) and growth opportunities must be provided to encourage the retention of talented engineers.
 6. The lack of training programmes within companies needs to be addressed and an OJL (On the Job Learning) system, rather than OJT (On the Job Training), needs to be formed.
